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Clayton High School Class of 1979 Alumni

Please help locate our missing classmates - click on this Missing Classmates link to view a list of classmates who do not have a confirmed mailing or e-mail address.


The Monthly Reunion Club
So much fun! Don't miss out! Come one come all, Thursday, February 20, at Casey McCaskill's House - in Rock Hill (623 County Hills Drive, Rockhill, MO 63119), starting at 5:00PM.  Hope to see you there!

Casey's House - 623 County Hills Drive, Rockhill
the house numbering is out of sequence, it is the blue house between 617 & 619

Casey says, "We will have beer, cheap wine, and lots of appetizers… Bring anything else you want. Anytime after five… Hope to see you! "

Google map to Casey McCaskill Schumaker - Rock Hill

 If it is your first time to the web site, click on Classmate Profiles, and find your name!  Follow the on-screen directions to create your profile, and enter your current contact information. You can also share personal updates, memories, photos and videos with your classmates through this website! 

It's quick, easy and FREE to do!

Please use the Missing Classmates menu item to help locate our classmates.

Classmates can contribute and post their photos in the Photo Gallery.  The Photo Gallery provides features for uploading, resizing, red-eye removal and cropping.

The Message Forum is active.  This is a place to leave a message, comment, note or thought which will be visible to all classmates.   Thanks to Claire McDonald for suggesting that the Message Forum be reactivated.